The Family (I) (2013)
So Much Talent, So Little on the Screen
3 October 2013
The Family (2013)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Luc Besson returns to the director's chair for this "comedy" about a former Mafia member (Robert DeNiro) who rats out his friends and must take his family into the Witness Protection Problem. When he starts to write his life story this sets the Mafia boys off to try and track him down and put an end to him and his family. THE FAMILY has so much talent involved that we should have been given a great film but sadly just about everything that you could do right with the concept is turned into a complete disaster and in the end we're left with a really bad and disappointing film. The film is bad on many levels including the fact that this "comedy" simply isn't all that funny. The idea of a Mafia guy having to get used to a small, unknown place should have made for some laughs but the only thing the screenplay offers is him throwing a fit about his water not being clear. We get some fantasy violence scenes but these aren't funny either. The stuff dealing with the wife (Michelle Pfeiffer), daughter (Dianna Agron) and son (John D'Leo) also add up to very little. This is especially true with the daughter's subplot dealing with her relationship with a teacher. Even worse is the relationship between DeNiro and his FBI guy played by Tommy Lee Jones. I never would have thought these two actors in the same scene could lead to such boredom. The performances are okay but with this much talent you just expect so much more. DeNiro can be a master at comedy but the screenplay just never allows his character to do anything. Agron, as the daughter, certainly steals the picture. What's strong is that this "comedy" doesn't come to life until the end when it turns into a violent thriller. This "thriller" aspect is directed with some style and real energy. Had the comedy scenes been handled this well then we would have been left with a much better film. The entire film has an uneven mix and in the end it's just a complete mess that never pays off.
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