Pointless Movie
19 July 2013
I am a Stephan Chow fan. So much so that I would go gay for him BUT have an asexual realtionship with him. I just want to spend as much time with him as possible in a relationship without gay sex. I just want to see him come out of the shower wearing a bath robe, and shake his hand, and eat meals with him and tell him what a fan I am because I am, but this movie sucks. It just sucks because it's funny only in certain circumstances but then has no underlying great story to it. It's characters are all underdeveloped and I don't know much about them because their depth is kept very shallow. It's like Stephen Chow got bored one day and said "I want to make a movie" and wrote a script in 1-2-3. The most time consuming parts about making this movie must have been setting up the CGI, the costumes/sets, and getting the right contracts and what-not. Otherwise i felt with this movies writing it could have been shot on a shoe-string budget by a few friends with a hand-held camera and the will and determination to tell this story to others. It's not a bad story, but it gets lost in the elaborate special effects and small jokes every couple of minutes. It's fun to watch, don't get me wrong, but it's like a junk food that is too sweet and leads to an 'Ugh' feeling after a while. This movie was not satisfying for me, instead I had too many conflicting emotions in me. I was angry at the main character, angry at the female lead for being so persistent to get the MC to love her without a motive, and angry at the demons for not having a justification for their evil deeds. Every character should have a motive for doing what they do- even the bad guys, and in this case the bad guys didn't have one- the monkey king did- but even so he seemed more despicable than I would have liked him to be and I was not satisfied the direction this movie took with every character and it's overall story from the get-go. I would have told it so much differently and that is the mark of a bad movie/story in my opinion. A Chinese Odyssey is a much better movie/story than this.
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