Bleak and miserable, but engaging
14 July 2013
I haven't seen a movie like this. I'm pretty sure you haven't either. its all like one of those awful radio 4 plays that makes no sense, but you listen to the end just to find out how it ends. likewise, this Ben Wheatley movie (my first) promises much and delivers several brilliant one liners, the occasional black humour, beautiful camera and editing work and characters that seem much larger than they are, but overall its a let down that fails to deliver any real substance except the visual tomfoolery of the much advertised mushroom-induced psychedelic trip.

The story however is pointless and direction-less abandon. Like watching the TV series "Lost", the point of this film is not the resolution, but the way the story is told, however, the abrupt end and character arcs and the ultra confusing meaning behind it all will be a point of debate for months if not years to come.

Watch with an open mind but don't expect any great revelations or satisfactory resolution. it will entertain you if you can stand to watch it, but it wont leave you feeling satisfied
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