the show "Three Days of Hamlet were not only enjoyable but educational as well.
10 April 2013
"Three Days of Hamlet" was a wonderful interpretation of Shakespeare's Hamlet done in only three days. Two of those three days were in rehearsal with a cast of well known and not as well known actors that had never worked together. So with this cast of virtually strangers the play was presented before an audience on the third day. Alex Hyde-White not only directed but was Hamlet in the production. This Hamlet based fantasy documentary that showed the relationship between fathers and sons,mothers and uncles and nature and nurture.Alex drew on the relationship he had, while growing up,with his own father. Wilfred Hyde-White was in his 50's when Alex was born. I enjoyed this production of Hamlet very much. Hamlet is one of Shakespears more difficult plays to understand but with this documentary it made it a little bit clearer. It brought to light that Shakespeares works are universal not just for the British.Everyone at sometime in their life will read Shakespeare. This DVD would be an excellent tool in schools for helping in literature and theater as a way of getting to understand Shakespears meanings. I believe anyone who has read or acted in Hamlet would enjoy this presentation.
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