Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chosen (2003)
Season 7, Episode 22
Not good.
23 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I watched the season 7 season finale, i was prepared for it to be great. The episodes leading up to it were perfect(except for her kissing Angel, and Angel being back), with Spike and Buffy finally finding a mutual love for each other. Just sleeping peacefully in each others arms was a scene I LOVED. However, i was not satisfied with the ending. Here's some of the things that I liked/didn't: (dislike1)I didn't like how they killed off Spike in the end. I don't care if he comes back in Angel, I wanted him and Buffy to be together and they never ended up like that. If he talked to her at the end of Angel, or they made SOME kind of hope of them being together, this review probably would have went a lot differently. (Like1)Anyway there was one thing I liked. I liked how they took the power from the axe and gave it to all the potentials to make them full out slayers. (Dislike2)However, it disappointed me again. If they had Buffy's power, why did they die so easily? She didn't die in the 7 years she was a slayer, so why did they die within five minutes of being slayers? (Like2)Also it was pure perfection when she gripped Spike's hand and told him she loved him. It didn't really bother me how he didn't believe her because even though he didn't say it, I think on some level, he did know that she loved him, and more than ever before.

(all dislikes from here on out) I completely hated how after they killed off Anya and Spike, they still talked about going to the mall. If I was Buffy I would've staked them all right there. Plus, Spike could've been saved. She said there's still time he could leave, and he could've. He destroyed the most of them, making it so that they could all get out safely and the Hellmouth still would've closed, protecting and saving everyone while making an ending everyone would enjoy. And the thing I probably hated the most (after Spike died of course, if you hadn't guessed) was when Buffy smiled at the end. The love of your life just burned and exploded and died and all you did was run away. I would've ripped that effing necklace off his neck and flung him up the stairs. And not to mention, the love of your best friend's life just died, and you're just sitting there smiling. Nobody was crying or anything. Some people were teary eyed, but none were crying. I wouldn't have left the hell-mouth without Spike, and if I were Xander,I wouldn't have left the school without Anya's body. I mean she could at least have been buried. Dawn didn't go looking for her sister she just ran on the bus. The she frantically looks out the bus windows and I'm just like "seriously?" you're the one that ran away and left her to die. This was the worst ending I've ever seen or witnessed. It was insensitive, smiling and no crying, and killing off favorite characters. Why not kill off the principal, who nobody liked anyway. All in all, this was awful and a disgrace to Joss Whedon.
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