Decently enjoyable but still with some problems
25 January 2013
After unintentionally insulting a sacred ceremony while overseas in the war, a group of soldiers return back to America and find themselves stalked and killed by a strange creature with the powers of the cult inflicted upon them.

An overall enjoyable 50s Horror effort that's better than expected but still mildly flawed, the best part here is the film's rather entertaining attack scenes. Using the camera to showcase the snake's approach is quite nice by getting around the troublesome topic of how to show that in the time-period while not really doing anything graphic or such, and several of them get pretty creepy especially the apartment attack. It's also a lot more modern-feeling than expected, which is due to utilizing the modern theme in this of the revenge-rampage of the cult to set-up the later actions, which is still being done nowadays and gives it a nice touch, as do the scenes inside the meeting which give it a creepy middle-eastern vibe that works well in making it seem foreign and exotic. There's some flaws here, including the conflicted agent of the cult storyline that's a cliché by the time it was featured here, and comes across moreso even now and seems shoehorned into the film for no reason, as well as the cheap special effects that really denote the low-budget nature of this one quite clearly. It's not all that bad, but it's definitely not all that great either.

Today's Rating/PG: Mild Violence.
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