The warS we don't see: Dumbocracy in action...
17 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Although the U.$. is currently bogged down in half a dozen wars across the globe, Der Homelanders are being spared the bloody details: news coverage since 9/11 has amounted to nothing less than a self-imposed blackout. If not for people like Pilger and Palast and Amy Goodman (of DEMOCRACY NOW!), we'd STILL be in the dark. Just a week or so after the suicide of Aaron Swartz, we learn that Truthteller Julian Assange is having health problems- related, perhaps, to his confinement (were he to be extradited to the U.$., he would be **** out of luck, indeed: he now has what's euphemistically called "a pre-existing condition" and would no doubt be denied medical treatment here). Swartz was facing a possible 35 years in prison for treason, and opted out. His case bears examination because, even as I write this, legislation is being introduced to make any journalist who makes public any information that a terrorist might read guilty of Espionage. Assange, whose Wikileaks made public the COLLATERAL MURDER video, is THE prime example of a journalist being hounded by an irate government. While few news outlets mention the record number of suicides of veterans or the record number of rapes of female soldiers in the field, journalists who expose such information to the world are being hunted. And television has become a tool of SUPPRESSION. "TV," as Harlan Ellison points out in THE GLASS TEAT, "... is a more effective riot control weapon than tanks or mace or troops." What's wrong with this picture...?
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