Pretty clever film
9 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was shown on the Horror Channel one night, and I recorded it based on the title. It turns out that the film is more of a thriller (as described on this site) rather than a horror, which initially really disappointed me. However, I will review this film on the fact that it is a thriller. I felt that this film was quick to capture my attention in the fist few scenes, the characters were strong and the acting was excellent - however I think the story line needed a bit more work because I felt that sometimes the audience was left guessing - there were parts when I was wondering why things were happening, but pushed through them. The story line is a little far fetched - a film maker blackmailing a serial killer in to making a documentary, only then to seem to befriend him and help him - however if you can get over the slightly unbelievable part of blackmailing a killer, then I think you will really enjoy the film. It plays with your mind, the way the characters develop is interesting and believable; and what I like a lot about this, is that I began to empathise with the killer. I like films that make me think that way. Not my usual type of film, but I watched it through to the end and really enjoyed it.
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