Review of Chosen

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chosen (2003)
Season 7, Episode 22
Fitting finale to the best show ever!
13 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
And so it ends....

The Good; It's all wonderful. Two favourites, Vi slapping Rhona and Dawn saving Xander.

Women good/men bad; The Shadowmen created only one Slayer so that they could control her but now Buffy and Faith share their power with thousands of girls worldwide.

Kills; see IMDb Buffy FAQ

Recurring characters killed: 19-goodbye Amanda, my favourite Potential. Goodbye Anya, a bit character who became a huge part of the Buffyverse. If Joss had killed Buffy, Will, Xander and Giles or Faith the fans wouldn't forgive him and if Dawn died it would be no victory for Buffy. We expect Wood or Andrew to die but instead he defies our expectations and kills our beloved Amanda and Anya, we paid for our victory.

For me it would still have been a victory as long as Dawn made it, that would still mean the good guys won. But I'm so glad that Buffy and Dawn get to walk off into the sunset hand-in-hand with most of their Scooby friends/family following.

In total this means on Buffy we lose one regular or recurring character killed every 8 eps or so, was any other show ever so ruthless in killing off it's main cast? To all those who played their part and gave their lives for the greater good and those they loved.

Jesse, Flutie, Jenny, Kendra, Larry, Snyder, Professor Walsh, Forrest, McNamara, Joyce, Katrina, Tara, Quentin Travers, Chloe, Molly, Jonathon, Miss Kitty, Amanda, Anya

And as for Spike...?

Total number of scoobies: thousands!

Dawn the bashful virgin; 10 finally understands about Kennedy's pierced tongue.

What the fanficcers thought; Lovely one called The Circle where after the final battle Dawn finds the letter Amanda left for her, telling her that she loved her, that Dawn is to have a long and happy life and that Amanda will wait for her in heaven. It ends with Dawn kissing the letter then burning it, explaining to Faith that it's the only way she could think off to get her kiss to Amanda.

All time favourite has to be The Last Scooby where an elderly Dawn is the last survivor of the Sunnydale gang, a contented grandmother surrounded by her numerous, loving family. She dies in her sleep and is reunited with Buffy, Joyce and everyone she ever loved in heaven, everyone young and beautiful again and in each other's embrace forever. But is she the last Scooby? Who is the white-haired, immortal witch crying tears of sorrow and joy over Dawn's peaceful body? Also a nice one speculating where the actors will be ten years after the show, James Marsters having joined a monastery, Emma Caulfield in prison, Michelle Tractenberg a presidential contender with Britney Spears as her running mate, Amber Benson on CSI;Nebraska etc 'Where are they now? And if you need a happy ending to every Buffy/Angel darkfic ever try 'The Final Fanfic'

Questions and observations; There's another (presumably inactive) Hellmouth in Cleveland where alternate Buffy was based in The Wish. Dawn refers to herself as Watcher Junior. Despite all his self-doubt over the years Buffy entrusts Xander with Dawn, the most precious thing in the world to her.

When Buffy and Spike hold hands and their fingers catch fire it's reminiscent of their discussion of love in season 6 when she dumps him, she tells him that their love would burn until there was nothing left. But Buffy finally breaks away here from their destructive love and goes off to see the world, the endless road ahead which Buffy looks down after the bus stops then looks back at the crater as the Sunnydale sign falls into the wreckage. For the past is history and the future promises great things for them all.

How lovely that the last words we ever hear spoken on Buffy are by our wonderful Dawn.

So Buffy defeats the First Evil, destroys the Hellmouth and shares her power with thousands of girls all over the world, forming a Slayer army to annihilate the forces of darkness. She and Faith can now share the evil fighting responsibilities and look forward to having grandchildren and dying in their beds as happy old ladies. She smiles her enigmatic, hopeful little smile...

OR Buffy has destroyed Sunnydale and defeated her demons, sealing the Hellmouth forever, sharing her power with thousands of girls, overcoming herself in the form of the First. Faith tells her from now on she has to live like an ordinary person. "What are we going to do now Buffy?" asks Dawn. Buffy smiles her enigmatic little smile...

...and wakes up in the asylum we see her in during Normal Again, her sanity restored after 7 years. To Hank and Joyce's delight she embraces her normal existence once more, struck by how much her imaginary Sunnydale Scoobies closely resemble her friends from Hemery High, all of whom are still alive as the events of the Buffy movie were all part of her fantasy. She enjoys a long, happy, successful life, writing a series of bestselling fantasy books/TV shows/movies based on her delusion. And calls her children (and Hank and Joyce's beloved grandchildren), Dawn, Rupert, Faith, Willow and Alexander.

OR Post-Chosen Sunnydale Buffy can live more normally again and Asylum Buffy in a parallel universe is no longer driven crazy by her visions of the Slayer so she too becomes sane again after 7 years and gets on with her life, still only 23.

Whichever way, she makes it, our girl makes it, good for her! Marks out of 10; 10/10, the fantastic last ep of the best television series ever. We shall never see it's like again At the end Joss thanks us for watching his show. No Joss, thank you for making it. And thank you everyone here for discussing it with me, it's been a real pleasure
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