Outrageous Fortune (2005–2010)
Surprised how good it was
23 May 2012
I'll keep the review short. This is my first review but this show deserved it.

Every kiwi i've watched I eventually lost interest, possibly due to culture differences? I'm not sure. I work from home and usually turn some sort of show on from netflix while i work for background noise. So Outrageous Fortune was a show i was to leave on in the background, peak at here and there while i work.

The first episode caught my attention a little bit but i was distracted with work, second, then third came on and i was hooked. Paying more attention to the TV then my own work.

I in my entire life have never found a show that has such an amazing cast. You eventually begin to like the cast, then love them. Feel apart of their lives. The show just takes hold of you and doesn't let go until the very end. Not once did i find a single episode boring.

The highs, the lows, the emotional twists really take hold. Van and Loretta were my favourites. Loretta would smile and you knew something cheeky was going to happen. I won't give any spoilers but this show is a must for everyone.

I was truly sad when it was done. For the first time i really truly loved a show, and couldn't wait to watch the next one. What an amazing job the whole team involved did with it. Kudos to Antony Starr for his dual role. Bravo with an amazingly well done job, especially as Van.

In short: Give it a chance, this is one show that will grow on you and you won't regret watching. I wish it would come back for some more seasons, i'm already missing my daily dose of it.
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