Review of Plan B

Plan B (I) (2009)
Intimate and delicate
2 May 2012
maybe it's because it reminds me the hard time I've had in my twenties to figure out how I could tell a guy I loved him but I love this movie which is quite simple in terms of plot and acting. It's merely due to the two actors of course that let us think they discover the feelings for each others as well as their potential acting on the screen. Both of them don't seem to be famous in Argentina but they would deserve to go further in their acting career.

Great movie, photo is undoubtedly gorgeous (I loved the colors of the buildings - quite impressionist view of the city) and I definitely recommend it to people for its delicate and simple way to show the carefulness we may use sometimes before going further into a relationship and also the ambiguity straight men relationship may have regarding the way they express their feelings to each other.
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