Blue Eyes (2009)
History, politics and sociology for bad teenage students.
19 February 2012
A person with some experience in watching movies (any sort of movies)

can grasp the whole plot in the first ten minutes.

The screenplay is painfully schematic. There is the blue-eyed badly resolved character of an immigration officer, the refined but dishonest Argentine couple, the (of course !) patriotic Cuban girl, the silly uneducated group of generic Latin-Americans, the poor Brazilian prostitute, etc...

Characters are just silly, sociology awfully simplified. The message seems, unfortunately, as moralistic as one can find in one of those fairytale books people read for three year old children: everybody is equal, but Americans are bad equals, in particular, rednecks. Ridiculous, to say the least.

Just the same old (and bad) Soviet realism that curses Brazilian arts. I guess it can possibly have some sort of impact on a 13 year old reader of Las Venas Abiertas De La America Latina, but if you are (mentally) older than that it is just not worth your time.
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