Great Feel-Good Movie
9 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Call me old-fashioned, but I just love to see movies where the hero rides off into the sunset with the girl. I guess that's why I enjoyed all the Indiana Jones movies, and I purposely stay away from movies that I know don't end well.

I know "real" film critics seem to enjoy movies where the hero is struggling with all kinds of addictions, and everyone dies at the end, and sure, that movie will be nominated for an Oscar, but that is not my kind of movie.

The world is full of enough problems without me having to go and pay to watch someone with more problems.

Facing the Giants is a great movie for people like me. To see someone fight their way through terrible problems that a lot of folks can relate to, and with the help of God, come through with flying colors leaves you feeling hopeful for the future.

If there is something wrong with that, well, I don't really care. I think we all could use a breath of fresh air from time to time, and this film provides that.
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