2 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
My God. I've been trudging through the Jess Franco DVDs in chronological order for quite some time now and had become somewhat inured to the ingredients: lots of nudity, lots of lesbianism, a cameo appearance by Franco, the old zoom in zoom out, and some attractive and well-shot location footage. Put it all together, and you've got yourself an exploitation flick! The films vary in quality but almost all clock in at the 70-80 minute range, meaning even the worst of them (I'm looking at YOU, Voodoo Passion) aren't long enough to get boring.

And then there's Sadomania. Why Franco and producer Julio Parra decided to pad this one out to an engorged, Tolstoy-esque 102 minutes I can't imagine. Happily the length is not entirely reliant on repetitive bumping and grinding, but it is still a bit of a chore to sit through. However, it's worth it to see Franco and star Ajita Wilson partake of a little simulated gay sex. I guess.
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