Hunter Prey (2010)
A waste of time.
5 September 2011
People comparing this movie to District 9 and Star Wars ? Seriously ? Did you people watch this movie ? I guess the director had all his friends write the reviews. Now for a review from someone who does not know the director or has been paid off by him. LOL

I found this movie rather tedious. Sure the scenery was nice looking, but that I could have gotten fro a National Geographic documentary on Arizona. The dialogue was horrible. The costumes were cheap. The plot was a rip off from the start of Enemy Mine except without the good acting. There was times in this movie that had me saying "Are you serious ?" not in a complimentary way but from being dumb struck at how silly the dialogue was. This movie leaves a lot to be desired and seems to leave common sense completely behind when it comes to script writing. You can make a good sci-fi on a shoestring budget, but it would have to be plot and dialogue driven, unfortunately this move had no budget, no plot and silly dialogue.

Sad to say, I found very few redeeming qualities for this movie and would not recommend it to anyone.
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