Review of Torchwood

Torchwood (2006– )
When it's good, it's great. But when it's bad, it's HORRIBLE.
14 June 2011
This is the biggest hit and miss show I've ever seen. One episode will be so horrible you want to throw something at your TV and the next one will have you in tears but in a good way. At least that was season 2. Season 1... oh my. No. It's terrible with an occasional decent premise that never gets carried out. I'm determined not to put any spoilers into the review though. But if you want to stick this show out, seriously, skip the first season. It's just trashy TV that's trying to be edgy.

Season 2 is when it gets hit and miss. The first few episodes are pretty weak but then in the middle, it shines in episodes like "Adam" and toward the end with "Fragments." It's great when they aren't making an edgy story just to be edgy. The finale is a real tear jerker, grab some tissues. I cried and I'm not a crier in movies or TV. I don't think that counts as a spoiler though because I'm sure not going to tell you what happens.

But Children of Earth is when the show shines. Gone are the days in which they think they have to make it immature and over-sexed. They deliver a truly amazing and even heart-wrenching sci-fi drama. You won't want to miss it! Again, the end is very sad and while I didn't cry, I advise grabbing some tissues just in case. It is so incredibly well made that you will probably be speechless at the end. It's so powerful.

So that's my review of the show. Mind numbingly horrid at first but if you can get through it, it really pays off.
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