Review of V

V (2009–2011)
Its an "ok" show but a total mess
3 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched both seasons, and while i liked the idea of a remake, the show is a bit of a letdown.

The shows suffers from a great number of flaws.

First, the acting. While Morena Baccarin is very well cast, and very creepy at times, the rest of the cast is mediocre at best. Logan Huffman is awful as Tyler. Unlikable, stupid and equipped with one expression only. The same goes for Morris Chestnut, playing Ryan, the V who developed feelings. His only 2 expressions are: "Bored" and "?".

Another big letdown is the story. Why would an alien race need humans to procreate? I know, it's "explained" later, but it still doesn't make any sense. Why would a reptilian species be able to fall in love with a mammalian species? How is it possible, that a reptile can father a child with a human? Why are they building a resistance 30minutes into the story, while the aliens are bearing gifts to humanity? The get their hands on a V and could record what they look like under the human disguise, but the doesn't do that, for 2 whole seasons! They are fighting a loosing battle without any outside support for no reason! Upload that to "youtube" for gods sake, or inform the 50 largest news-stations! They carry around tons of evidence and leads, and they don't show it to anyone! And: Why are the visitors greeted by the press, not by military leaders, diplomats or other officials? This is insulting at its best, and bullshit at its worst.

The protagonists motivations and story lines are stupid too. First Ryan has a family and feelings. These feelings seem to dry out as soon as his wife has gone into hiding. Then his daughter is born, as a rep/human hybrid. So the writers "invented" stupid things to give Anna(the leader of the Vs) leverage over Ryan, so that he betrays his comrades in the resistance. Later he tries to redeem himself, and then he just dies by the hand of his hybrid 8 year old daughter.

V (2009) is a prime example what happens when a series is made with a 5-episode story-arc. As more and more episodes are ordered, more and more plot holes, stupid story-arcs and unbelievable character developments are introduced into the series to fill episodes, they have no planned content for. The first season is interesting, but you really notice at the beginning of the second season, that they are just filling the space around the predictable story with unnecessary dialog and "developments" who don't add anything important or interesting to the story.

Another big problem is the pacing. There are a lot of very slow episodes where nothing is accomplished or developed. A lot of episodes are 5min development, 95% stuffing.

At the middle of the second season i had enough. The pacing was so slow and critical people and developments became meaningless so quickly because they had to invent more unbelievable twists to fill more episodes. A good example is the story about the importance of Tyler to the future of the V-species. They build up this importance over the whole first season, and in season 2 it becomes meaningless within 2 minutes.

The second season finale shows what a mess this series is. A lot of people die, a lot happens, enough no fill 4 episodes with decent developments, but they pressed all of it into one episode to increase the interest for a third season.

The only things keeping this series from being a total crash are the decent effects, some interesting episodes and Morenas acting portraying a creepy and arrogant alien queen. The rest is slow, full of plot holes, unbelievable twists, insulting explanations and stupid character-reactions.
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