Extremely dated and downright bad.
24 March 2011
I thought it was a good idea at the time to buy the Box Set of The Planet of The Apes but after watching the penultimate movie in the series , I'm starting to wonder if there has ever been a worse movie franchise than this one. Talk about look back at movies with rose tinted glasses, i used to love these films as a kid but now i see them for what they are - terrible.

This film is a depressing look at how in the future ( 1991 ! ) the humans treated the apes at first like pets and then like slaves. It looks extremely dated as do most 1970's films that are trying to look futuristic. It has many tired slavery connotations in it and it looks like it's set in the newly built Central Milton Keynes. There is one interesting scene near the end when the apes confront the police in the street and it's the spitting image of the Zombie scene in Michael Jackson's Thriller. Why Roddy McDowell continued making these movies is beyond me but all i have got to say is I'm please i have only one more to watch!
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