Mediocre...and for this series, that's very good!
3 March 2011
The Fu Manchu series starring Christopher Lee is a very frustrating set of five films. That's because although the story idea overall is pretty cool, the films were highly uneven and sometimes pretty dreadful. I think that the films suffered from two main problems. First, a 6'5" English actor is not the best person to play a fiendish Chinese man--this is obvious to everyone but the producers. Second, the film makers decided, after a few promising outings, to let lemurs write the rest of the series. I kid you not.... LEMURS! The final two films were, to put it bluntly, complete rubbish.

The second film, "The Brides of Fu Manchu", begins with a brief summary of events from the first film--showing clips of the highlights and letting the viewer see that the evil Fu Manchu did NOT die in the last film--even though it sure looked like he had! It seems that the plot is very familiar--one that was used in some of the other Manchu films. The evil dude needs the help of a scientist so he does what you'd expect--kidnap, torment and threaten scientists' families to get their cooperation. And, once again, the hero, Sir Nayland Smith (Douglas Wilmer) is out to thwart the evil plan.

While this film is a lot like later films in the series, it is pretty good. However, like I noticed in many of the other Fu films, there really isn't that much of the bad guy in the film. Often you see his underlings or daughter. If I had Christopher Lee on hand, I sure would have put him in the movie a lot more! Overall, watchable and reasonably well made--even with its silly emphasis on hypnosis--the sort that NEVER could happen in real life. However, while it's pretty mediocre, just wait...the series will start to fizzle in just two more films!
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