Cute, but basically a Made for TV movie
28 November 2010
Cute enough, I have no particular complaints. But not much in the way of praise either.

Anyone who has seen all of the original episodes of the Ramona TV series (1988) will probably appreciate my perspective more than one who has not. The movie suffers by comparison, in my opinion.

The movie tried to incorporate something from each of the 10 TV episodes. In doing this, each incident was simplified too much. Fewer incidents with more development of each would have been far more interesting, as was the case with the TV program.

To me, Ramona and Beezus was like watching a Made for TV movie on a kid's cable channel. Eye candy for kids. When we watched the original TV show with our daughter it was fun for all of us. And, if memory serves, it captured the flavor of the books fairly well. Which I also recommend to those of you with children of suitable age.
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