Review of Plan B

Plan B (I) (2009)
A good film that develops a believable sexual tension between the central characters, culminating in a believable ending.
11 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie - I was really happy I stumbled on it. The performances were amazing and I loved the pacing of the film. I agree with a couple of the reviews in regards to the repeated cut-aways to shots of buildings/city scapes. I thought that, as a conceit, this could have been pared down a little. I did, however, appreciate and like the introduction of ambient sound between and within scenes - it worked with the pacing and created then built up an incredible tension that mirrored the developing sexual tension between the 2 main characters.

I disagree with the bro-mance comments. My interpretation of the story is that Pablo is predominantly gay and uncomfortable with his sexuality. The film starts with a shot of Bruno playing with a kitten - we then find out at the end that Pablo photographed Bruno doing so, before the 2 really met each other, and that Pablo kept the photo in his wallet. Putting everything together, it seems that Pablo's glances at Bruno in the gym were less about curiosity and more about yearning.

And don't forget that at a certain point in the film, Pablo lies to Laura, saying that he has had a sexual relationship (or at least an encounter) with another man. When Pablo later says to a friend that, in reality, he was only "thinking" of having a sexual encounter with another man, it indicates to me that this is something that Pablo is coming to terms with - people who are not grappling with their sexuality don't create such fictions.

Bruno's sexuality, however, is the one that is more ambiguous. He seems comfortably hetro yet at the beginning, when he sees Pablo with his ex girlfriend, his eyes go down to Pablo's crotch. Is this action motivated by a possessory feeling towards Laura or a sexual curiosity? The movie hints at something buried within Bruno but it is never didactic: what inspired Bruno's jealousy? Is he genuinely in love with Laura or is he motivated by wounded pride? In the end, though, the filmmaker succeeded in creating a scenario that was completely believable. There was nothing dishonest about Bruno's declaration of love at the end of the movie - thinking back through all of the subtle hints in the film, it all made sense.
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