Hunter Prey (2010)
Would rather catch Cholera than more Collora
24 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Help me out here, did I watch a different film to everyone else reviewing this? OK so this is a slow speed hunting chase across a desert movie... its got some lovely camera work in places, but to be honest that's about all, you good see Collora getting excited about some of his shots so he either repeats them or just lingers far too long on them... mostly because there's so little content to the film he has to waste time wherever possible. OK so you'll all start harping on about the low budget, yes that's a good excuse for not having lots of sets, effects etc but is it an excuse for making do with such an awful script, the acting is lame but look what they had to work with! In short if this was made as a short 15 minute film then I would have quite enjoyed it, Collora could have shown us all of his talents in that time... and perhaps more seeing as he'd have less film time to spend his budget on and we wouldn't have had to suffer a feature length amount of time.

SPOILER bit The main problem with the film (other than the rubbish listed below) is the fact that you know straight away that this is all you're going to get, once we're down to two guys you realise the film is going to be two guys and a desert, and knowing there's not enough plot to sustain 90 minutes you know you're going to suffer…so I did… all the lovely desert shots, and the huge skeleton and ..erm well that's about it, can't distract from the very poor script and lack of plot

So the Bobba Fet guys are really aliens, ooh we didn't see that coming, OK so we did, but please don't waste our time with the 'stabilizing your system to cope with the atmosphere' business to keep us in suspense... just keep the helmets on because they got handy Heads Up Displays in them. Talking of which why is it that Clea can track our man an give a good display on the HUD until the point when they're close up and then its of no use at all at which point we lose a couple of guys... rubbish.... but then the whole Clea thing is total rubbish anyway... so this I pod thing is really important as it can track stuff, sort out your health etc but it gets carried in a useless belt holder that it keeps falling out of (get a cheap arm band I pod holder from Sardonian EBay my friend) and it comes with a battery life of about a day, despite being the size of a early 90s mobile... get a grip. I don't even want to think about how poor all of the chatting with Clea is, the fact she can detect a spaceship coming into orbit but not sense the prey 100yds away with a sensor stuck in his neck etc etc, and it only appears to work when its plugged in (perhaps the battery is in the back pack and really huge!), but can still administer the health support when its not plugged in (despite needing battery power to do so according to the script)... OK so the technology is flawed, no great shakes but its annoying to be distracted from a film by flaws in the plot..lets move on

So we get to the excitement which is the chase... OK the slow ramble through the desert, yes its hot and rocky and all that but you think we could have seen a little more excitement from the actors, they're meant to be being chased/chasing and they leisurely step between rocks etc... that is until the hunter and prey are both badly injured, each in a leg with an assortment of additional arm/shoulder wounds too... the limp for a little bit, and yes the heat is really bearing down etc but then a couple of minutes (that felt like hours in this film) later they're running around like they've never run before.... rubbish... lets move on

Other stuff that was really rubbish... the hunter finding the tranq dart... its bad enough that he's following a non existent trail without any tracking help anymore, but then to find a little dart amongst the rocks...get real When the prey leaves the hunter alive but poorly tied up (he's no boy scout despite being a hero) he then leaves the gun beside him...what? What the hell....? OK so the reason he did this so the Hunter can then have the Prey lined up in a shot later on... but couldn't Collora have helped him find a rifle elsewhere..perhaps of the rescue guys the prey has just killed... really really lame. ...and the hunter gets told by his nostrilled Captain that the prey is the last of a race that they wiped out, but that's all he's told, when he ends up chatting to the prey (in oh so convenient Space language on the oh so convenient Bluetooth that doesn't need the I Pod to make it work bla bla) he somehow knows he's human... the captain never mentioned it...rubbish All the morality between the two was garbage, I've got a wife and kids, I lied I haven't got a wife and kids, I tricked you, you're rubbish etc... so poorly written its atrocious The list goes on, I've bored you enough, perhaps I'm just trying to get some payback for the boredom I suffered, my apologies, rant over
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