Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Potential (2003)
Season 7, Episode 12
Say it with me now: WASTED Potential!!!
10 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well...since football season is almost upon us, what better way to kick it off than with "Buffy The Coach", training new potential slayers? (Actually, I could think of a LOT of things. In fact, getting attacked by rabid dogs would be a marked improvement.) The BtVS series is winding down, and THIS is the best the writers can serve up? I'd rather eat liver and onions with a side of mushy lima beans. Of course when she briefly flashes back to Buffy The Vampire Banger mode, and the pots witness it, there is a brief bit of nauseous humor.

Buffy the Existential Philosopher: "Death...is what a Slayer lives". I slay...therefore I live. I slay...therefore I die. Watch out, Rene Descartes. Prepare to be posthumously unseated from your historical philosophical chair by Buffy The Philosophy Butcher.

We learn some VERY IMPORTANT things in this episode. Like...The First (i.e. The First Evil. Primordial Evil. The Evil of all Evil. The Root Of All Evil) is now in "remission". (Seriously...just saying that makes me laugh out loud.) But it gets better. WHY is The First in "remission" (there goes that laughing thing again)? Because the Uber-Vamp was defeated, and The First hadn't planned on that. So it's taking a temporary hiatus so it can regroup. (Man...I don't know about you...but I had higher expectations for The Evil Of All Evils.)

Willow announces: "Althenea said the seers located another potential slayer here in Sunnydale. Someone that already lives here".

Great. The more, the merrier. You can never have enough adolescent potential slayers.

Willow does a really smelly spell (say THAT 10 times -- really really fast) and it indicates that Dawn is a Potential.

And say what you want about Kennedy...when they're all in the demon bar, and Buffy goes off to talk to Clem, and Kennedy says to Rona: "You think she dated him too?" THAT'S FUNNY!

But by around the 30 minute mark, I was wishing someone would drive a stake through my heart.

If you stay awake long enough you'll learn that Dawn is not a Potential; Amanda is. That's about it for learning new stuff.

Xander delivers his "Ode To The NOT Chosen" to Dawn. It's a tender moment. "You're not special. You're extraordinary". Unfortunately...this episode...is not.
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