Review of Across the Sea

Lost: Across the Sea (2010)
Season 6, Episode 15
A Wonderful Look into the Island's Past
19 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Finally and episode that explains the back story of this island and gives us some insight on Jacob and the Man in Black, but for some reason, no one can stand this episode. I will admit that the first time I saw this episode, I was a bit skeptical about whether or not I enjoyed it. Then I watched it again, and again, and again, and each time I watched it again, I realized that this episode was actually one of the best episodes of the series. This episode did not answer everything and even created more questions but it also gave us what we have been waiting to see, the back story of Jacob and the island. I think the idea of the light in the cave (the source) may have scared some people away, but if you think about it, it all makes sense. The source is life, death, and rebirth and throughout this entire series people have come to the island with illnesses and have been miraculously cured and we always wondered why and how that was. Well I believe the light in that cave is your answer. Also, I loved how this episode showed us how the riff in Jacob and the Man in Black's relationship started and the reason behind the Man in Black's motives. I thought this episode was extremely well acted and thought that Giacchino's score was outstanding. I think that this episode is one that will be more appreciated in time and I hope that people come to their senses and realize just how great this episode actually was. This episode gave us more answers than ever before and it is obvious that the information that we learned will be playing a vital role in the series finale and I cannot wait to see how everything ties together.
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