Lost: Across the Sea (2010)
Season 6, Episode 15
Misplaced Jacob childhood story, jarring fantasy universe, rushed development and editing, rotten installment
12 May 2010
The Candidate's ending was so intense that I was expecting Across the Sea to directly revert to it. Instead we were teleported in Jacob's past. It reminded me of Ab Aeterno but when Richard's story was well told and perfectly mixed with the on-going events this one seemed completely misplaced as we hadn't seen Jacob for weeks. And Desmond, whom I consider to be the new Jacob, wasn't even featured !

First its surreal fantasy universe jarred with the past episodes even if there's nothing realistic about Black Locke. However it made me regret the mind blowing flashbacks of the 3rd season and Daniel Faraday's twisted theories. Second I didn't like the mother nor the actress who portrayed her. I just found her character unauthentic and not charismatic enough to be Jacob's mum. Third the transition between his childhood and adulthood periods was too brutal. Wait, there was no transition. One minute he was a boy, the next a man. I wish we learned more about what he did to become a man : Hunting, exploring, building crazy inventions… Fourth the editing was so poor that it almost ruined the creativity of past installments. But no I can't accept that such an awkward work shadows the astonishing results we had to experience so far. Mirror connections ? Gone. Dual stories ? Gone. Synchronized editing ? Just forget it ! Mixing some scenes with first season ones was just plain lazy. Jack and Kate popped up from nowhere and their magical appearance felt like an annoying subliminal advertisement. These scenes were so rushed that it made things even worse when I thought the episode had already reached the bottom of the barrel.

Was it Lost ? Definitely not the one we have been accustomed to. Season 6 had been so strong and captivating so far that I never thought I would have to endure such a disappointing illusion. Of course the whole yin-yang and quest of light elements were interesting but I just didn't like how they were served to us. To sum things up I prefer when the story wilds my senses and mesmerizes my imagination than getting cold and questionable answers. Maybe the upcoming What They Died For will make me regret my decision of rating it so poorly but for the moment the best word to describe how I feel is deception. A tremendous and bitter deception !
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