Lost: Across the Sea (2010)
Season 6, Episode 15
Could be so much better................
12 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just a few hours before the grand finale of Lost, we learn according to the description, that in this episode we would learn about Locke/MIB's true intentions. Sounds great right?? Well not really......


We find out that Jacob and MIB are brothers and are not conceived on the island, but simply born there from a woman whose boat crashed. Another woman helps her give birth then kills her and raises the kids on her own.

In an episode like this I'd expect to get answers for questions like:

--What exactly are these "rules" that forbid Jacob and MIB to kill each other?? --What is this cave of light, except "the heart of the island" and a "source of energy that every human has".......??? --Where does the power Jacob and MIB have actually come from?? --What is that wheel contraption MIB was building and how did he know he'd be able to get of the island like that?? --How are the candidates chosen?? --Why is it that Smokey must not leave the island??

Instead we find out nothing that REALLY matters.....!! I feel we're heading to a big letdown here.. Imo, they should focus on giving us some REAL answers instead of the parallel universe thing!

I'm reserving judgement till the end of the show, but to be honest, it doesn't look good and I can only hope they have an ace up their sleeves....

On a good side, the background info was cool, but it was so little.. If there were to be another 10 episodes before the finale, it would be quite alright, but with time being in short supply I'm starting to wonder whether we'll ever get our answers...
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