Lost: Across the Sea (2010)
Season 6, Episode 15
6 seasons worth of episodes & this is, without a doubt, the worst
11 May 2010
Forget "What Kate Does" this, my friends, is THE episode that contains all the marks of BAD television; redundant twists, stale acting, terrible child actors, wretched dialogue. Without a doubt Lost has seen its moments of teetering on lame, but this goes over the line and falls down flat on its face.

Incredibly lazy writing on the part of Lindelof and Cuse, as if they're saying "can this be over now?" Patton Oswalt has a bit where he lambastes George Lucas for the prequels, and I'd like to steal a line from his bit: "I don't care where the stuff I love COMES FROM I just love the stuff I love."
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