Review of V

V (2009–2011)
Its not the original, so don't look for that.
29 April 2010
This is a remake of the original series V where aliens invade earth. However this is not the original series, so don't compare it to it. It reflects the new changed world political scenario. Unlike the original, in this the resistance is labeled 'terrorist', and there are many shades of gray. The show has a lot of potential, and so far in (9 episodes) it is headed in the right direction. The show does tackle some interesting issues, and handles then reasonably well. To say it is simply an action series is untrue. In fact it does make one realize that if a real alien invasion took place what it may be like. Of course a lot of hypotheses have to be made to come up with such a scenario, but you cant hold the assumptions the show makes against it. The most interesting aspect is how the humans react to the V, as initially they come as saviors. This leads to certain social implications, and even religious implications, and show does not shy away from delving into them. This is show is politically savvy, and that makes it really interesting to watch, because despite the obviously science fiction set- up, there are underlying truths in it about are social make-up.
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