Stomped All Over My Childhood Hero & Fantasies..!!
30 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Dragonball Evolution was one of the films which I was terribly excited about. Goku had been one of my heroes all through my childhood. I used to hog the TV whenever it came and didn't even leave the TV for my parents to watch their favourite shows.

Goku is humanity personified. He was never a boy who would go after the girl, rather he would go after the bad guys without a damn care in the world for his own safety. He was the reason why I stood up to the bullies in school and never backed down even when I would get beaten up by 4 guys at once. I always thought in my mind that if Goku could be honest, innocent and proud of his actions, so would I be. That was until my 17th year. Then the need to fit in and be cool with my peers when in college took over and all the ideals I had crashed down one by one. But, now I think back, just 4 years down the line, I am more proud of who I was rather than who I am now. That says a great deal about DRAGONBALL - the cartoon. It always stressed about the importance of love in friendships and not exclusively about love with the opposite sex. Of course, there was Master Roshi, the pervert, but it never played a part in how I grew up or how Goku developed. So, to see all my beliefs and ideals get destroyed in the film EVOLUTION, I was heart-broken. I literally wanted to strangle every damn person involved in this film (except for Emmy Rossum. She can do no wrong). The special effects are a joke. Seriously who would spend $100 million on this worthless piece of junk? I'm only glad that I didn't pay for this when it released. It was my friend's treat last year. I recently joined IMDb and had to write a review for this horrible movie.

Goku never had teenage angst or crushes. It was fate that he got married to Chi Chi. I've said enough about Goku, there are his best friends Bulma and Krillin as well. In the movie (can I even call this 80 minute headache a movie??!!), Krillin wasn't even there and Bulma was the only one who got close to the actual character. Of course, in the anime also she falls for Yamcha immediately, but in the film, Yamcha's character was dumb. Chi Chi was a joke. Literal translation of Chi Chi is milk or breasts. The whole film looked like it was aimed at kids below the age of 15 and the people more than that age who have not matured past staring at the different breasts at display here. Goku's fantasy of Chi Chi eating a strawberry looked like a sex fantasy. It was disgusting. The story and some characters aren't even in the 400 episode long saga, which is divided into 3 sub-parts..!! The Kamehameha blast was ridiculous. It stomped on my childhood hero and fantasies. I wish they would re-do the whole thing. This is a hateful, irritable movie. Why couldn't they make this like the Batman, Ironman, The Hulk or Spiderman?!! This deserves -100 on 10.. But what to do IMDb doesn't let us give less than 1. So, a 1 on 10 for the actors. They couldn't do much with the terrible script here.

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