The Life & Times of Tim (2008–2012)
One of the best cartoons for adults that's not a Seth MacFarlane show.
21 February 2010
I love shows with simple concepts. The show is carried by Tim, an ordinary 25 year old New Yorker who works in an office. He has the worst luck. Tim is always getting caught in horribly embarrassing and incriminating situations, that are the centre of the show. I would compare it to Curb Your Enthusiasm in the way that it brilliantly sets up it's scenarios, the build-up and the over-the-top conclusions.

This show is animated and usually people wouldn't be interested in watching new ones, fearful that it's another Seth MacFarlane show or a show that's trying to mimic the style of a MacFarlane show. The Life and Times of Tim is an adult cartoon that Seth MacFarlane has no involvement in. If Family Guy pushes the envelope, Tim goes even further. This is HBO we're talking about here, they have nothing but quality, uncensored programing. This is no exception. It also happens to be HBO's first animated series since Spawn. This is the best animated series in the last 5 years.

The animation isn't amazing. In fact, it's pretty awful looking, but that works in it's favor. It's not a very fast paced show, some people may even find it boring. They could show you the most boring office cubicle on Television because of the drawing style.

Like I said the show certainly won't be for everyone. If you need to be constantly entertained with non-stop action in your cartoons, than this won't be for you. If you are patient, like you have to be to watch shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm, you should give this a chance. The second season just started and you can be able to jump in without having any knowledge about the characters. It's a huge strength for a show to be able to watch the segments in a random order. It's only a half-hour show and each story is 15 minutes, so it's not a huge commitment.
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