Moral Orel (2005–2009)
Impossible to define, always a unique surprise
3 February 2010
I can't for the life of me figure this show out. Sometimes I find myself genuinely laughing almost uncontrollably, others I'm left reflecting on the message, and still others I'm just lost and a little bored even; the episode with orel's stop-motion animation for example. Interesting concept but fell very short. In any case I admire the uniqueness. Now I've seen jokes in a negative light and dark comedy in plenty other animated shows but this one manages to pull off full on cynicism about a wide range of topics using some very unique yet inexplicably relatable characters.

In fact the character analysis alone makes for interesting conversation. I mean for a show that takes a pretty good number of jabs at Christianity the reverend seems to be the most logical down to earth character. Which may be a statement about people's inability to truly understand what's being said to them. In any case the entire show has so many undertones that can be interpreted in just about any way depending almost entirely on the individual. I know I found some new little thing each time I watch the show.

The soundtrack used is another thing I loved about this show. Unique again but you feel an instant attraction to almost every song. Be it tongues in other people's mouths from the first season or The strangely alluring mountain goat songs in the 3rd season.

Which brings me to the third season. It in my opinion is one of the best final seasons of any show I have ever seen. This doesn't just include animated or comedy shows but just about every series I've followed. I am very sad this show was unable to come to the end intended of it.

I'm sad that adult swim couldn't let it run its course to the end. I mean I like their programming for the most part but I would have preferred keeping something like metalocalypse (a show I also enjoy) at 15 minutes so this could continue, if not just for curiosity's sake to see how it would continue to play out. C'est la vie. Thank you Mr. Stamatopolous, this will forever be one of the more memorable shows I've ever seen.

I watched the full series again recently and had to up my rating even higher. I miss this show.
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