A Big Wast of One Hour and a Half ...
4 December 2009
This must be the worst movie this year, 2009, but what had I really expected from a director like Jim Wynorski? Take only The Pandora Project [ 1998 ] as a deterrent example.

That producers give Jim Wynorski money to direct films is for me a mystery. But what can you expect from producers as Bryan Sexton and Julie K. Smith?

Isn't Julie K. Smith a former scream queen, slash soft porn star? Now crap movie producer?

In the epilogue you can see a lot of interesting facts, that the associate producer Steve Goldenberg also are Best Boy and Rigging Gaffer, and that associate producer Rob Sanchez, who played the Security Guard number 2, also work as the movie sets gaffer.

Who payed for this?
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