Watching as an adult you are taken back to your childhood days of escapism, and adventure and it's all blended with fun, drama and conflict!
17 October 2009
"Where the Wild Things Are" is a film that kids will stand up and cheer for I as an adult haven't yet read the award winning 1963 short story from author Maurice Sendak which I plan to do so though. Anyway this film is good enough that an adult will also get some enjoyment out of, as the way it's done and blended with humor and most important of all the theme of escape yet most notable it has enough conflict and drama that all of us can relate to. And clearly as you watch from the beginning and see the need for escapism you think back to your childhood when you were bored and you thought nobody understood you, as just like Max you wanted to run away to your own little world and make new friends even if many were strange(like the film's creatures).

That's clearly what this film did as a young boy Max(Max Records) who appears out of control and is running around as he's displeased with the way that his older neighbors treat him. His older sister ignores him, plus to top it off he can't get any attention from his mom played by Catherine Keener. So after he's sent to bed one night with no supper as his eagerness got the best of him as Max even bit mother! He runs out the door thru the streets and over by the trees into the woods. And all of a sudden a boat that's private and personal appears and it's off to sailing to a new land for Max thru the rugged and rough seas! Once arriving and awakening he finds these woods are where the wilds things are! he meets the strangest looking characters who are hairy and even monster looking. The most notable and his best friend during the whole escape stay is Carol(voiced great by ex "Sopranos" boss James Gandolfini). As from the get go after talking Max convinces him that he's a special king in his new world and Carol agrees to be his guardian beast of the jungle! Max also meets odd looking creatures named Judith, Alexander, Bull, Douglas and Ira. Along the way this is an adventure come true for this little boy who builds his own club tree house and has the most fun cuddling and playing with his creature friends.

However like any kids adventure conflict and disagreement is present as Max will bring tears to his best friend Carol. As the days of swinging from trees can't last forever you even are touched when you see the tears and emotions from Carol as you think back to when you said good bye to your best friend after playing with him. So it's sailing back to the norm for Max who experienced a great journey of adventure and escapism that all kids should enjoy and most of us as kids had our own little fantasy and daydreaming adventures like Max.

Really a pretty good film to see as you as an adult will enjoy as you will have flashback days to your childhood when you felt you were another Max and had wild adventures in your own land with strange creature friends as many can relate to imaginary friends(remember!)and this adaption from director Spike Jonze was well done his sets and mixing of adventure with drama and emotions make an adult like it especially the big over sized creatures! Really a film that takes so many back to memories of their childhood as all of us had our adventure and loved to escape with imaginary friends you may feel like your watching something of Jim Henson. Though as it ends you feel a little touch of "The Wizard of Oz" as Max returns safe back home as he hugs mother he still feels their is no place like home and that all adventures must end just like Dorothy's adventure in Oz did. Still overall a film to watch that helps you revisit your childhood days and it lets your imagination run wild.
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