Review of 10,000 BC

10,000 BC (2008)
Prehistoric tale plenty of adventures and primitive animals as Mammoth, Sabretooth and big bird
6 August 2009
The story deals about a a young hunter named D'Leh (Steven Strait) happily living in his prehistoric tribe which dedicates the mammoth hunt. When a group of horse-riding warriors (Ben Badra) attack his tribe and abduct his love interest named Evolet (Camilla Belle), he sets out in pursuit accompanied by Tic Tic(Cliff Curtis). They must confront several dangers and risks, such as a Sabretooth, giant bird (Roc), savage mammoth and many others. They travel through uncharted landscapes towards an unknown territory .

This exciting picture is full of action, emotion, feats, thrills, a love story and is pretty amusing . Steven Strait as young and valiant warrior is nice, he's driven by love and destiny to impressive adventures . Camilla Belle in one of his first roles as adult girl is very good, shining her playing as gorgeous Evolet. Excellent secondary role for Cliff Curtis as tough and self-sacrificing warrior , furthermore Omar Shariff as narrator in off . Stirring and evocative musical score by Harald Kloser(also producer and writer) . Colorful cinematography reflecting splendidly the breathtaking outdoors by Ueli Steiger (Godzilla, Day after tomorrow) , Emmerich's usual. The picture is lavishly produced by Emmerich, Harald Kloser and Mark Gordon. Overwhelming special effects and creature designs by Tatopoulus Studios. The flick is professionally directed by Roland Emmerich. He's a good director, writer and producer who founded along with Dean Devlin the company Centropolis Entertainment. Emmerich is an expert on making movies for the masses and specialist on large-scale disaster movies (Day after tomorrow,Independence day ) and spectacular stories (Stagate,The patriot, Universal soldier), recently and in production he's shooting an epic adventure about global cataclysm that brings an end to the world , titled '2012'.
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