"Ruby" Makes Me Want to Retch!
22 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Wasted a half-hour of my life last night on this "comedy". As if the whole premise wasn't bad enough, the set-up was awful. This girl shows up, and informs the has-been pop star that she's his kid, and he just accepts it! Not only accepts it, but dumps the kid on the brother he has been feuding with for the last 20 years, who also accepts her! Makes sense to me, too!

The hook is that the brothers were a big Wham!-like pop act 20 years ago. Their "video" has them don these silly wigs and lip-sync to this retched song while a girl (now married to one of the brothers) does her best Tawny Kitaen. The "video" is so lame, they don't even bother to make the brothers and the girl look 20 years younger! The brother who gets dumped on, now pushing SUVs, longs for the good old days, while his son (a graduate of The I'm SO Hot School of Acting) wants to be Kurt Cobain when he grows up. And naturally, Ruby, who can't carry a tune, has delusions of musical greatness.

David ought to be ashamed for whoring out a sorry episode of his life. And Shaun -- I just want to kick myself for having the biggest crush on you! You're not only a sell-out, you're a hack! And you weren't even that good of a singer!
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