Hoped it was more WILDER
11 July 2009
If you are one of those who complains that this movie like other Van Wilder or American Pie movies don't have any story then I am sorry the joke is on you for expecting them to have one in the first place. As long as they have some coherent plot and can keep my interest till the end I am fine. This movie just did that. I am one of those who watches such movies for its slapstick sex comedy and this movie is full of it. Surprisingly there is NOT allot of nudity, however, the movie basically tells you how Van Wilder started his journey at Coolidge.

Let me also make it clear that this movie is NOT even remotely close to Ryan Reynolds's Van Wilder (2002) although the girl (Kristin Cavallari) in this movie is hot. But of course Tara Reid and Amy Smart (Road Trip) are different leagues.

Hope to see more of her (Kristin Cavallari) in the series, if you know what I mean.

The makers of this series have to work way harder than this if they want to be successful.

Waiting for Van Wilder: Sophomore Year....hopefully it will be much more WILDER than this. Here is a 10 just for encouragement.
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