Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte
11 February 2009
Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte: I watched this movie in December of 1964, when I was only 5 years old, at a movie theater in Portland, Oregon.

I made a trip about 60 miles north with my pop, he was buying a new car. For some reason the purchase of the car was delayed, so Pop and me went to watch a movie that night at a Portland movie theater. It was a cold night, I still remember steam pouring out of the manholes on the street, and the city smelled. I was not used to that smell. Urban.

The movie was "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte", starring Bette Davis. That movie chilled me to the bone.

I still remember scenes from the movie, the hand crawling across the floor. I had nightmares about that for years.
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