Personalities (1942)
Too Many Stars In Too Short A Time
21 December 2008
A 1942 short extolling the virtues of MGM stars of the day. From the up and coming Mickey Rooney, who went on to a long career, to Susan Peters, who met a tragic end just a few years after this was made. Quick snippets of some of the stars are shown from movies they have made, but at under 10 minutes, and with so many stars in the MGM stable, this short is mainly just quick glimpses of many famous faces.

Essentially, just a long commercial for MGM, theater owners showed these shorts anyway as filler during double features, or because the big studios made them show the shorts in order to get the big budget movies. There just isn't enough time in this one to take in all the stars on display. It kinda felt like quickly flipping through a large group of photos. Watchable, but nothing outstanding.
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