B-Movie? Are you Serious??
18 December 2008
Come on Mr. Wilding... Let's face it. Having seen a few of your films and having been increasing disappointed with each one, it should be obvious to you by now (which it is to us), you are not a director. If you want to play the "film maker" game, find a real director. The actor's names alone are not going to make you a Hollywood Special.

Needless to say, you already know how I feel about this experiment gone horribly wrong. Were to start? Sad, very sad creative vision and execution. I suppose Gavin could blame some of that on his DP Mark. Ultimately some of the blame must fall on the shoulders of the producers I suppose. The huge long list of them... which is never a good sign that the film has any merit to being with.

I am sorry however, to all of you who may have watched this disjointed, bubbling, student film quality attempt at a movie. I myself will never get those 30 minutes back. (I had to fast forward through portions in order to make to the end)
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