This game should be changed to NSMP - Nearly S**t My Pants
8 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When I traded my friend TimeShift for F.E.A.R, I expected it to be this crazy shoot-em-up, out of your mind thriller that never relented for a second. Of course, it was a crazy, shoot-em-up, out of your mind thriller that relented for a little bit then kicked your sorry ass into oblivion.

The game follows you, the "F.E.A.R Operative", the "New Guy", the "Rookie", or as the boys down at Monolith call him "The Point Man", as he goes out on his first task with F.E.A.R, a secret special ops outfit designed to take on supernatural threats to national security. When a man goes insane at his place of business, killing employees and taking over the Replica clone soldiers using his mind, they send you in to clean up and take out the trash, and you do just that. Using your sophisticated focus ability which enables you to slow down time and kill people with more accuracy, you go through the high tech zones of Armacham territory. Armacham, if you didn't know, is a high fallutin' science corporation hellbent on creating clones controlled by mind powers, and it's their want for this that starts this mess. Now realizing what forces you face, you must make it through the slums, Armacham HQ and a secret facility to find the mastermind behind the release of the clone soldiers and take him out before the supernatural threat grows from just one town to the entire country.

CONCEPT - 10/10 - I've gotta say, little girls, no matter where they be, have creeped me out since The Shining when "Come play with us, danny" rang through the surround sound of my living room. And the concept of a supernatural force in the form of a little girl in a red dress seemed a li'l creepy to me. Especially when I found out that this li'l girl could blast me out of a window using her mind powers to blow up everything possible. This game is about as entertaining and as gripping as ((And yes, I'm going' there again)) Half Life 2. I'd recommend it for anyone who's into gory horror stories and little girls lunging at you with the intent of spilling your throat juice all over the tiled floor.

ENVIRONMENTS - 9/10 - The environments were well done. but seeing the same corridor for 10 minutes straight got a li'l nerve racking.

ENEMIES - 10/10 - I have to say bravo for the AI demonstrated in the enemies of the game. They really outdid themselves. You can hide from enemies, sneak up on enemies, and they'll interact the way another player would. only complaint, the same enemies appear to often in the same places. But still, that doesn't hide the fact that these were some pretty kickass enemies.

OVERALL - 10/10 - If there's ever a game that makes me turn on my closet light and check twice under my bed, it's this one. This game really shook me and that's a lot to say for a game like this. It will freak you out and you will have to play it in the dark to get the full essence of it. But a li'l game character like Alma, the dark, creepy li'l red dress girl from the game, and the exploding hallway scene will never cease to amaze gamers and this game will never cease to shake gamers to their core.
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