Uncle Goddamn (2004 Video)
1 October 2008
This movie is a polemic on the state of rural America.

A hour a spent with some seemingly unreal surreal ultra real American family with sociopathic hatred for their uncle. this guy, totally drunk, totally has no idea of the state of reality he lives in. Rural trailer stuff fulled of beer set on fire by sociopathic nephews. Hes also a racist, a telling story of heart break and race hate. At the drop of a hat, this guy will spew forth a torrent of racial hatred directed at every minority under the sun. Completely and utterly fascinating, production values reached a nadir of 0. shot on an ancient home video camera operated by rednecks drunk on meth. in the haze of unnatural intoxication we are treated to a spectacle of unheard of proportions. pranktastic to the extreme, these traviesos show little to no to none respect for human dignity or blood ties. blood is thicker than water but not bud light, or crystal methamphetamies.
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