Pretty darn good for a Franco film
30 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let's face it - Jess Franco is only a step or two above Larry Buchanan or T.V. Mikels - he endures because he's a soft-core pimp, and apparently makes a happy living at it! Most Franco films are dull, dull, dull... nothing ever happens, unless you like 8mm zoom shots on naked girls, followed by endless reams of talk, talk, talk. However, SADOMANIA actually has a plot, some action and real cohesion. It's his version of Most Dangerous Game with naked babes.

If you like this one, Franco's other two good ones are RITES OF FRANKENSTEIN and WOMEN IN CELL BLOCK 9.

Just so you know what you're getting into - he's no Joe D'Amato!
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