Flawed but worth watching
30 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
'There's a Girl in My Soup' has a rather negative reputation and is considered symptomatic of the slump star Peter Sellers was in from 1968-1974. However, while a flawed film to be sure overall I think it's better and more substantial than its reputation.

The opening wedding segment is particularly enjoyable and interesting; not only does it have several amusing moments but there's a short but significant montage where we see snippets of dialogue from the upper-class types at the party. They're full of bigotry, smugness and complacency and central character Robert Danvers (Peter Sellers) is clearly repelled by them.

But this presents quite a contradiction for him, as his success as a TV food expert has made him part of this milieu - indeed in the public's eyes the personification of it. And this celebrity and wealth that it has brought has doubtlessly helped him seduce many women.

And it's the chance meeting with Marion (Goldie Hawn) that brings out this contradiction in the open, as he desires her and her hedonistic youthful lifestyle but he's of the wrong generation and class to be a part of it. There's a long scene between Hawn and Sellers where is brought out into the open and while it isn't very funny, it's surprisingly engrossing and enjoyable to watch.

When you add in these elements and the funny banter from supporting players John Comer and Diana Dors as an abrasive married pair, the first half or so is most enjoyable.

Alas, the film largely throws away its potential in the second half, especially with a dreary section in France, and the film never recovers as the laughs dry up. Even more disappointing is the treatment of Marion's character as she goes from being quite perceptive (and cynical) in her opening conversation with Danvers, to being an insubstantial airhead; perhaps because that's the only way her choice in the final scene would make any sense.

Overall a bit of a wasted opportunity but provides a fair bit of entertainment in the first half and Peter Sellers is always worth watching.

Also, the song over the credits is very catchy!
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