A very good movie!
19 July 2008
I wasn't sure at first if this was a 'B' movie or not, so I was pleasantly surprised how well done this was! Jan Michael Vincent portrays Jack Cox, a reporter who is close to the president of Nicaraguam, Somoza. It portrays the Sandinistas in a very refreshing perspective - not the usual liberal droll we hear. It also shows a country falling apart, and takes on the Carter Administration as well for not coming to the rescue and letting Communism take a foothold in Central America. Very suspenseful for a low-key flick - it shows 3 news reporters trying to get out of the country! Filmed in Puerto Rico or Florida, it feels and looks very authentic! Jan Michael Vincent is fresh off his excellent WINDS OF WAR performance, and it carries over into this venture. Julie Carmen plays a young, aristocratic woman who secretly works with the Sandinistas. She is Jan Michael Vincent's very very brief love interest. She also starred in a 2nd season "Airwolf" episode. Definitely worth watching this film!
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