Review of Wanted

Wanted (2008)
Can I get my money back?
28 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was a bit apprehensive about this film from the previews and commercials, what with the bending bullets and all, but I figured with all of the action movies trying to outdo each other...maybe there would be a good story backing it. However, in the opening sequence, when a man leaps several hundred feet to slay some assassins on another rooftop before being aced out from miles away, I started to lose any hopes for a good movie. Then any further hopes were dashed when it was revealed that a magic god loom delivers a binary code that says who is to be killed (how the frat discovered binary and secondly, that the people named were to be killed is beyond me, maybe god/fate/whatever wrote to them in binary on the first sweater that was and told them to kill the named ever thereafter) This whole god/fate (fate being spelled out when the explosive rat truck hit the mill door) loom thing really blatantly pointed out the problems with dogmatic, irrational beliefs that can be found running rampant throughout our society; but speaking of that society, it's a shame to think that most people will be unable to find that point because it was buried behind quack gimics and special effects. This movie made Crank look like the Godfather. Aside from the absurd story backing why the frat was assassinating people, all of the stunts were merely an attempt to outdo movies like crank with time/space bending cg that makes anyone who has any inkling of what physics are want to cry. If the time-slowing gimics were cut from the movie, I think it would have maybe passed 30 minutes of film time. I could maybe understand the rapid heartbeat to be able to react quicker to things, modeled after a fight or flight type of response on crack or something, but the bullet bending thing got to be a little too ridiculous by the end where a bullet can be fired around a 20' circumference and have the same gun tossed to someone else before the bullet returns from its 360 degree trip to kill the shooter...I mean, really? I really wanted to walk out of the theater about 30 minutes into this film. There isn't enough room in this comment box to enable me to voice the downfalls of this film. However I feel as though I must include this side note on society as well. On top of whole fate and immovable beliefs tangent from above, the fact that movies like this can go over well in America is a great example of how dumbed down culture is making us...Oh let's make an action movie with a loom that dictates who should live and who should die...oh yea...and the assassins can bone physics with no rationale as to how...It truly made me sick. "What luck for rulers that men do not think." - Adolf Hitler. It's understandable how we get leaders like George W Bush when movies like this are not only accepted, but admired. Now if you will excuse me, I need to read my binary sweatshirt for what to eat tonight.
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