Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Semi-Detached (2004)
Season 4, Episode 1
A Very Haunting Opening Epsisode
11 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the saddest stories I've seen on this program. The ending almost left me speechless. It left a frown on my face and I actually felt sorry for the killer, which is very unusual for me. She was a pathetically-obsessed woman who only wanted her ex-husband to love her. The whole thing is a bit complicated as a different man who she was using to get points with her ex-hubby, technically, committed suicide. "It's murder by suicide," as Captain Deakins remarks.

The above-mentioned lady, "Nelda Carlson," also got attached to the show's main main, "Det. Robert Goren," and couldn't believe he would hurt her. Her frantic pleas to him at the end were the most haunting scenes I've seen on this show in a long time.

The story involved her ex-husband "Barry" (Brian Haley) and a shock jock named "Ray Garnett" (Fisher Stevens). Obviously from my remarks above, I was extremely impressed with Francie Swift's acting job as Nelda. From the opening scene, you could tell this woman had big problems but she did it subtly, a mark of an excellent actress.

Anyway, it's the season opener for year number four in this popular television show and it's always good to see the gang back: D'Onofrio, (Det. Robert Goren), Kathryn Erbe (Det. Alex Eames), Courtney Vance ("A.D.A. Ron Carver") and Jamey Sheridan ("Capt. James Deakins").

D'Onofrio, as every fan of this show knows, is riveting to watch. I look forward to seeing the rest of this season. I've viewed the first three on DVD but this Season Four still isn't released, so I'm catching it with re-runs of TV, which is better than not seeing it at all.
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