Review of PVC-1

PVC-1 (2007)
Undiscovered Cinematic Brilliance
1 June 2008
You watch the movie. You are on the edge of the seat the entire time. The film ends and you are breathless, tired from the intensity of the film. You have to take a few minutes to piece together all that has just happened before you come to the conclusion that the film was amazing. This all happens before you realize how it was filmed. The entire movie was done in one take, 86 minutes of a single steady cam recording the entire adventure. All done by one man. The raw skills behind the production of this movie are staggering. The film itself would be an amazing accomplishment considering it was filmed and produced in Columbia, and the story is true- But if you take on top of the fact it was filmed in one take with a peanuts budget, you appreciate the cinematic brilliance behind it all. You really have to see it to understand. The film shows an accurate portrayal of the everyday violence occurring in Columbia, and the response of government aid to these attacks. The acting is terrific and extremely convincing, the story is gripping.

This movie is so incredibly unique. It shows the much-to-come-talent of Mr. Stathoulopoulos. This is a must-see for anyone who appreciates an intense film, and furthermore the work behind one.
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