I can clear up some of the questions about availability...
5 May 2008
I was a very small part of the technical crew on this film - I work for a technology consulting team, our creative services arm did some of the computer screens in this film.

Tiny easter egg, all the names used in inbox scenes throughout the movie are either in-movie characters, or the names of me and my coworkers.

I'm not sure how much I can talk about the details of how the film landed there, but after filming was completed it was shopped around to the cable networks, until it was picked up by USA for airing as a made-for-TV special. It did not see general DVD release, but was released by USA on VHS. A couple years later, it was transcoded to DVD as they were converting their back catalog - I think they went ahead and reformatted and added proper menus and special features as well, but someone who has it should probably comment on that. As a result, it was released to DVD market with very little fanfare, as others have noted.

Personally, I found it in the discount bin at WalMart and that was the first I knew it had been available - I had to track down some friends to find out the story...

Years later, I was working again with the same company when I was invited to take a tour of some of their production facilities - they still had the house from this film mocked up on one of their sound stages (I had never been onset during filming so I had never seen it) - the two story house was actually filmed as two separate one story houses! The second story was raised so someone could be filmed appearing to top the stairs leading up to it... very fascinating to see how they filmed it.
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