Fireball 500 (1966)
Reckless Driving 101
11 April 2008
Leaving the beach behind, drag racing Frankie Avalon (as Dave Owens) and statuesque Annette Funicello (as Jane Harris) get involved with bootlegging racer Fabian (as Sonny Leander Fox). Pretty Julie Parrish (as Martha Brian) is Mr. Avalon's main squeeze this time around; in one of the film's few memorably bad scenes, she gets a firm grip on shirtless Avalon's buttocks. In a related move, Fabian's fan club, the "Eager Beavers" express devotion on their derrières. Chill Wills is (as Big Jaw) and Harvey Lembeck (as Charlie Bigg) are among the unfortunate supporting cast. Director William Asher's American International team absolutely needed a change of pace, but "Fireball 500" was about as unnecessary a postscript as could be produced.
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