Hurray for Confusing Movies
9 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this film over a dozen times now (it's definitely my current favorite) and I still cannot quite determine whether it is pro- or anti-vegetarianism. Also, I would ask that people watch it more than once before reviewing it. There is more to this movie than one can take in in one sitting.

First, why I think its pro-veggie: (1)The father is invariably presented as an evil schmuck who cares nothing for what his son wants and seeks only to control him. (2)the protagonist is a vegetarian who fights for his beliefs, and in doing so gets a large portion of the population to convert to vegetarianism (3)the opening scene (Have you ever sat and looked at a field of cows?), which was the basis and starting point for the movie to be built upon, suggests that the director feels this way. (4)the Happy Coffee Shop. Any movement that is affiliated with such a wonderful set and character can't be all bad.

Now, arguments against: (1)the vegetarian characters are all portrayed as naive hypocrites (and even called that by the Chicken Man) who have no goals or methods to achieve them. (2)when they do have a goal in mind, their methods are warped, poorly planned, and downright meshugge. See: Hijacking Plan in car scene, Niel's plan to change the world. (3)the 'Us and They' speech. The naive separating of one's group from the rest of humanity (especially by mustache growth and ability to tie a tie) is simply silly, and I believe that the director also feels this way, due to the way he named the theory. (4)oh, did I mention that the protagonist is a psychotic murderer in the name of veal, acting upon the wishes of an imaginary Chicken Man? Anyone who seriously thinks that Niel's methods are satisfactory should check in with a psyche at soonest convenience. A couple views in, I realized that one way to watch this movie is as a documentary of the descent of a deranged mind into the depths of killer psychosis.

Everyone is a caricature of their role, everyone is naive, hypocritical, and wrong in some way. From what I can tell, the movie is anti-kids-sticking-their-tongues -out-at-life-but-not-doing-anything-about-it, as well as anti-murdering-your-father-because-you-disagree-with-him.

All of this analysis aside, I love this movie dearly. It is unique, crazed, wild, endlessly detailed, and refuses to take itself seriously. I sincerely recommend that you watch it again, and share it with all your friends. A gem this weird deserves to be known.

Favorite lines in all of cinema: 'Gobble, gobble, gobble, only Hope shall remain.' And 'Is there something wrong with Niel? He just ran screaming through the parking lot.'
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